September 28th, 2006 at 11:42 pm
Please do some serious research about the controversies surrounding the SAFE temperature for your hot water heater, as lowering the temperature MIGHT lead to very destructive health consequences.
Here are two links about this:
MAI Lung Infections
MAY/2006 Indoor Environment
Please be cautious, you do not want to damage your lungs with these serious infections.
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Penny wise, Dollar foolish
September 27th, 2006 at 10:56 pm
I've only read about this, but am really interested to do some experimentation, NOW, before any emergency situation, during which time, it would really be useful to know how to cook a HOT meal without having to plug in a generator for any extended time period.
The idea is to get a quality wide-mouthed thermos and prepare the meal with boiling hot water MANY hours before it will be eaten.
An easy example is oatmeal, you prepare it for breakfast the night before in a thermos which then slow cooks it overnight.
Here is one of many interesting URLs about THERMOS COOKING, and provides alot of precise details:
Yep, I'm actually gonna spend the twenty-five bucks to see how this works out - LOL, at least the oatmeal is super inexpensive, pennies per serving, right?
One person experienced with this mode of cooking oatmeal claims that normally the next morning her breakfast oatmeal SLIDES out the thermos - that sure makes for easy cleaning, no?
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Penny wise, Dollar foolish
September 26th, 2006 at 10:09 pm
Our pantry contains several dozen cans of veggies, and although we're getting low on canned fruits, we weren't planning on doing the Del Monte $10 Mail-In-Rebate because there are so many other brands of fruits which invariably are much less expensive.
But at the grocery store we learned that Del Monte has all sorts of "specialty" vegetables, and new kinds of tomatoes. The dilled green beans are delicious, the zuchini will be perfect for casseroles and the diced tomatoes with basil/peppers/onions,etc. are only outdone by those containing jalepino peppers.
Obviously, I decided to do the MIR, but I wasn't expecting to find all these really good tasting varieties of veggies, I thought it was going to be a matter of WHERE will I put more canned green beans & corn & peas?
Different problem has arisen in that I'd like to really stock up on these pricier Del Monte 'specialty' canned veggies, but Del Monte doesn't seem to frequently offer coupons -- I've got almost all of the newspaper coupon inserts from last July through last Sunday, and there simply weren't many coupons for anything by Del Monte, not at all. Less than half a dozen.
I guess I don't think that this ten buck rebate is going to save us ANY money as I can seriously foresee that the 'specialty' veggies will probably fast become 'necessities' -- and not merely some more boring old cans stored in the pantry.
I wish some of these companies would start "Buyer Rewards" programs where you send in POPs for mdse or gift cards.
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Penny wise, Dollar foolish